What: Students who participate in our EOC Bootcamp Blitz will be provided intense & rigorous enrichment, as well as remediation for their upcoming EOC Tests this semester. Student participation in the Bootcamp will provide them with additional instruction designed to help them master the academic content. In order to provide independent home practice, take home material will be distributed.
Who: Students who are taking 9th grade Literature, American Literature, US History, Algebra I, Geometry, Biology, & Economics
When: Wednesday, November 29th
3:45pm -5:45pm
9th grade Literature
Saturday, December 2nd
9am - 11am
American Literature & Algebra I
12pm - 2pm
US History & Geometry
Saturday, December 9th
1pm - 3pm
Biology & Economics
Where: Wheeler High School
Media Center/Auditorium
Permission Form must be signed by Student & Parent and turned in to Admin I by the end of school Nov 28th!